Seeing Everything Differently

I have just returned from an incredible trip to Shanghai. It has been nearly 5 years since my last trip and so much has changed. For years, I ran shopping tours to Shanghai. Many people confuse them for a week of blatant consumerism for the spoiled or the wealthy! Wrong. So wrong.

These trips are about people discovering things - often themselves!

I spend the week encouraging people to step into their light, to realise that they are important, valuable and deserve all the joy in the world.

The greatest benefit of travel is that everything is different so you get to start to see everything differently. 

Staying in a luxury hotel where you get to indulge in an unbelievable international buffet at breakfast time changes the way you view breakfast. The rushed tea and toast can be swapped for leisurely dumplings and tea eggs. Or maybe French pastries or tropical fruit platters. Starting the day with choices sets up your day for interesting decisions! When we step out of monotony and obligation and into a world of choice and possibility, things change. Your mindset changes, your tastes change and things you had never considered become options.

Witnessing these people for a week is a huge honour. We laugh and cry and shop and eat. We sit around dinner tables and hear each other's stories. We support each other, we learn about each other.

Travel is a great leveller. It opens your eyes and your mind. During this week, many of the women finally have time to stop and reflect on their lives. To realise that just like the coats we are buying, your life can also be made to measure. Your tailor-made life. A life where you decide what you will and won’t stand for. What you will and won’t do. What you do and don’t like. A life that fits you and feels amazing. It may be plain, it may be embellished but it is your life. On your terms.

I am obsessed with people living their lives the way that they want to. The experiences I create all do this. Whether it is a week of experience somewhere as remote as China or a nurturing week redesigning their worlds at Repotted in the remote Coromandel - I love it!

The week in China pushes people to be decisive, to put themselves first and not to stand back and wait. They go home happier, more aware and more assertive - with a few nice coats!

The real gold in coming to China is that these gorgeous women get to spend a week, on themselves. A week eating what they want, buying what they want, doing what they want. Everything is taken care of. Everything is designed for you. Most of the women who come have never given themselves a week all for them. They are usually more focused on everyone else. They often feel guilty for giving themselves the time and money to do this week. The work of signing up is a huge step forward into 'doing you'.

I created these trips to make it easy for women to have what they want. Some travel alone, some have never traveled before. I am there every step of the way to guide them and boss them and encourage them.

If this sounds like fun - I have a few spots available for September this year...


Mother's Day


All We Are is Energy!