Refunds, Returns & Cancellations

We do not accept returns or refunds unless the item you purchased is damaged or the item you received is incorrect. If you receive a damaged or incorrect item, please contact us at

  1. Under special circumstances, a refund or return may be considered upon request.

  2. If the product is defective, Lisa O Ltd will pay shipping costs for the item to be returned.

  3. If a special circumstance refund is granted, Lisa O Ltd will not pay return shipping costs. 

  4. Refunds are not permitted for digital products or online purchases, including online courses or club memberships, unless the course has not yet commenced. 

  5. Cancellations of retreat/tour bookings are subject to cancellation fees as follows:

    • Cancelled within 60 days of the event: 20% cancellation fee applies

    • Cancelled within 30 days of the event: 40% cancellation fee applies

    • Cancelled within 14 days of the event: 50% cancellation fee applies

    • Cancelled within 7 days of the event: No refund

  6. Cancellations with a full refund may be considered in special circumstances