All We Are is Energy!

Energy is the essence of our existence. We are all energetic beings, and I think that understanding the dynamics of energy is the key to unlocking our true potential. Our energy is transferable and absorbable. Our thoughts begin it, our emotions amplify it and our actions increase or decrease it. 

My new book energy is out in bookstores next week! I am super excited about this book. It is over 25 years of learning and living that have resulted in everything I know about energy.

The first 26 years of my life, I did what I wanted. I arrogantly threw crap at my body and expected it to ‘deal with it’. I worked on the assumption that my body worked for me, that it would take what I gave it. I had zero gratitude, and I was taking zero responsibility. And then my body spoke. It said, "No more. This has to stop." It held an intervention!

That took me on a two-year journey of re-establishing a relationship with my body. My body and I formed a partnership, like an arranged marriage! I committed to giving it what it needed, and it committed to keeping me moving, to allowing me to get on with living the big life I wanted to live. This partnership required me to spend some time in my head, to unpack some of my beliefs and shift my mindset. I had to understand my mental energy.

Our energy starts with our thoughts. What we think has a massive impact on the reality we live in. Our emotions amplify our energy. We all have a feeling factory inside us, a building full of feelings and emotions. These all affect our energy. Feelings that get ignored or suppressed rot and create massive issues in our bodies. Our bodies hold onto everything. They store our thoughts, our unprocessed feelings and all the mental and emotional drama that we thought we had gotten away with!

Energy is required for growth, change and movement. Energy cannot be seen, but the results of using energy can. Our energy is a decision. We get to decide. We can decide to be happy, to be tired, to be negative, to be grumpy!

We need to become aware of all of the areas where we get energy – the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It’s literally everything!

I would love you to join me at one of the Energy events that I am doing all over Australia and NZ in the next few months! If you would like a copy of the book they are here and ready to be dispatched!

Wellington - May 27th
Christchurch - May 28th
Whangarei - June 4th
Auckland - June 5th
Melbourne - June 13th

Sydney - June 19th
Palmerston - June 26th
Brisbane - July 11th
Queenstown - July 16th
Invercargill - July 18th

Hawke’s Bay - July 25th
Balclutha - August 7th
Dunedin - August 8th
Oamaru - August 17th
Perth - October 31st


Seeing Everything Differently


Want, Believe, Allow, Plan