Being Powerful

I have just attended two big events filled with incredible women. Women who are professional supporters. Women who run the worlds of others. Executive assistants, Business Managers & Professional Assistants. They are incredible. The perfect blend of capable, caring and committed. They get things done. They make shit happen. Often quietly and without applause.


These women (and a few good men who are in the profession) do not get the acknowledgement that they deserve. Part of that stems from the problem that they do not appreciate how amazing they are! They do not value themselves. Your value is the difference between what you get and what you deserve.


They need to know that they are magnificent. They make an enormous difference to the people, companies and industries that they work for. They never blow their own horns. They don’t ask for much. They use words like ‘just’ to describe themselves.


The message I gave these women, I want all women to hear:


“Stop pretending you are less than you are. You are better than you realise. You know things that the world needs. For the world to change, you need to change. 

You need to be the example in the world. Unleash yourself! Tell people what you do and the value you add. Dress up. Show up. Stand up. Step into your light.

Step out of obligation. Do what you say and say what you do. Do YOU”


Powerful Women:

  1. Make time for themselves.
    Create space for you to think, rest and create.

  2. Speak their truth.
    Say what you think. Own your opinions.

  3. Wear what they want.
    Choose clothes that give you the feeling you want to feel.

  4. Plan their week.
    Run your life or your life will run you. Live on purpose by planning.

  5. Know who they are.
    Take time to discover what's important to you. What your rules are.

  6. Eat consciously.
    The quality and quantity of the nutrients you put into your body are up to you.

  7. Say NO.
    No is a full sentence. Use it more often.

  8. Visualise what they want.
    Dare to dream of your perfect day, your perfect job, your perfect home.

  9. Help others.
    Kindness is a superpower. Do things for others that you wish someone had done for you.

  10. Do stuff outside their comfort zone.
    Try new things. Go to new places. Be brave.




What do I want?