World Diabetes Day
This Thursday is World Diabetes Day.
Diabetes has had an enormous impact on my life, emotionally, financially and mentally. The impact of having children diagnosed with Type 1 is enormous. The impact of having your child diagnosed with anything is huge. Three of my children have Type 1 and while it has been enormous for Mark and I to deal with - my kids blow me away with what they handle on a daily basis. If you have Type 1 or know someone with Type 1 you can read my previous blogs here.
Invisible illnesses are so tough. Outwardly you look like there are no problems but every hour you are dealing with something that others couldn't possibly understand.
So many people are dealing with chronic medical conditions, debilitating pain and fatigue, decisions and complications that they have to consider every time they leave the house. And there is no reprieve. These things happen all day and night, at Christmas and on your birthday. They take up a huge amount of space mentally, physically and emotionally.
I have recently employed a personal trainer. Sandra is a delightful human with a gorgeous Irish accent. We were talking about aging and things that break down in our bodies that we need to be aware of. She was telling me about a woman who had come to her for a training session who was 84 years old with 'not a bother on her'!
I love that saying so much! Imagine being able to say that you did not have a bother on you!? Life seems to come with a 'backpack of bothers', but it blows me away how much we take for granted. How well most of our bodies work, most of the time!
We need to be more grateful, more in awe of our incredible bodies. We also need to be kinder and understanding with people who are dealing with a lot.
Think of someone who is dealing with constant health challenges or someone who is parenting or supporting someone with 'extra bothers' - reach out and tell them they are amazing!