What Does Your Soul Want?

What do you want?

It’s a question that I ask people all the time. Many have no idea. I see people managing their thoughts before they answer - What do I want? 

They are running their possible wants through the filters of: 
Is that ok? What will you think of me when I tell you? 
Judgement and criticism are two of the barriers between people knowing what they want and claiming it!

How many times have you been told that something you have said you wanted is ridiculous, not possible or simply not ok?

On a human level, we have many wants. We want success, achievements, money and love. We want to prove to ourselves that our lifelong belief that we are not good enough is not true.

It’s been nearly seven years since I wrote my book "Everything You Want". I wrote it for self-employed people who wanted to have it all - freedom, cash flow, energy and control. People who wanted to be in charge of their worlds.

Seven years on, I am more interested in what your soul wants. Our souls are looking for experiences; our souls want to be acknowledged. They want to right some wrongs, achieve their purpose and play out their part that's in contract with the divine.

Most people who I meet do not understand their human wants - so it's a big stretch to shift them into the desires of their soul. 

What if I told you that these two lists were not that different?

Your soul is your deepest self. Your soul wants you to shine. Your soul knows you best. It knows what you are here for. It knows your gifts, talents and what you are here to learn. It is your soul’s job to direct you towards opportunities and situations that will benefit your growth.

Your soul wants you to know that:

You are intuitive. 
You may sometimes feel alone with the weight of the world on your shoulders. The truth is your higher self is here with you always to provide you with the insight, inspiration and strength that you seek. It's easy to forget that we are all guided. You just need to surrender your desire to be in control and ask for help! 

You were made to be happy. 
You are designed for joy! Your joy is your guidance system letting you know where you should go next in life. Pay attention to whatever makes you feel passionate, excited and fully alive. Trust in these feelings and follow them; your heart knows more than your rational mind. 

You are loved. 
Know you are surrounded by love - always. The power of life that created you and your higher self loves you unconditionally just as you are.  

You are supported. 
Everything happens for you - not to you! Every person and situation in your life is here to help you discover more about yourself so that you can evolve into a more conscious and empowered being. If you keep encountering the same situations in life, look for the lesson and give thanks for it!

You are powerful. 
The biggest limitations you will encounter in your life do not come from your circumstances but from your limiting beliefs about who you are and what you are capable of doing. You are way more powerful than you know!

You are perfect - you were designed perfectly for what you need to know, do and have. You do not need fixing or self-help so much as you need self-love and acceptance. When you show yourself unconditional love and compassion, old unhelpful patterns of thoughts and behaviours will begin to fade away.

You are unique - Irreplaceable! There is and will only ever be one you. You are a one-of-a-kind blend of passions, talents, interests and quirks. If you don't have the courage to be yourself, no one else can and you are literally robbing the world of the magnificent and irreplaceable gift that you are.

You are valuable.
You were born inherently worthy and enough. When you claim you are flawed or inadequate, you are arguing with the power of life that created you just as you are!

You are reflective.
Your outer world and circumstances reflect your inner world. The world acts as a mirror to help you refine your beliefs and preferences. These reflections help us to create a life that brings you joy and fulfilment. You will get out what you give!

You are connected. 
Every living thing has cells that are interacting and speaking to you. It's mind blowing to consider that you are connected to everything and everyone around you.

Getting in touch with what your soul wants is way easier than you may think. Take some time to be quiet. To be still, to sit and ask your higher self what it wants.

My soul is currently asking for space and quiet and creativity. I'd love to hear what yours is asking for!


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