What Can You Do About That?

Our power is always in the present moment.

What can you do about that? is the best question to ask yourself regardless of what you are faced with in life.

I am cold - I can put on more clothes. 
I don’t feel valued in my job - I can look for another job. 

I am a huge fan of personal power - of owning that fact that you have the ability to make decisions and take action. Having a belief that you can do things is incredibly important. 

I have two beliefs that I wish I could give everybody in the world:

  1. I can do things

  2. I will always be ok

One is about agency and one is about faith.


Agency is an action or intervention that produces an effect. It is our ability to act. Our lives stop when we think we are stuck. The present is where agency and action live. Our past is fixed and our future is uncertain, the present is the only time we have the power to make choices and influence outcomes.

I spend a lot of time speaking to organisations about dealing with uncertainty. How to manage in uncertain times. People are always asking for tools and strategies on how to handle uncertainty. I think that it is something we need to embrace. I find the fact that we do not know what is going to happen exciting! We have no idea what is going to happen, we can only do our best to set up our futures the way we want them to be.

The world is an uncertain place. As humans, we have the power to decide. The word decide means to make a choice from a number of alternatives. To choose something after considering several possibilities. The end of the word “cide” literally means to “kill off”.  This meaning is found in such words as: genocide, herbicide, homicide, insecticide etc.

Your most powerful energy is in the present moment. It’s where your creative power lies. If you are worrying about tomorrow or busy regretting yesterday, then you have given up the power of now!


Faith is about having complete trust and confidence in something. My favourite definition of confidence is not that I will always be ok - it is that even when not ok, I will be ok!

My spiritual belief system really helps me to lean into faith. I have complete faith in the Universe. I believe that what happens is meant to happen and that I am a soul here to experience myself as human. I have faith that things happen for me and that I need to trust the process. Even when that process is hard and messy and sad and horrible! Being a human is hard but when we believe in our own agency we know that we have power to act. There is always something that we can do. Even if the decision is to do nothing - it's still a decision that allows us to own the moment and take our power back.

Where in your world are you stuck right now?
What can you do about that?
What would be the implications of you doing that?
What are you scared of?
Is that worse than where you are now?
Now go do the thing that you can…


“The point of power is always in the present moment. 

This is where we begin to make changes. 

What a liberating idea. 

We can begin to let the old nonsense go. Right now. 

The smallest beginning will make a difference.” 

Louise Hay


The Lickable Third


Permission to Protect Your Energy