Permission to Protect Your Energy
I am starting the year with a huge focus on protecting my energy.
I have been writing a list of permissions that I am giving myself in 2025.
It’s ok to change your mind
When you have a commitment to growth and are curious enough to allow new information, you will find that you are constantly shifting your perspective on things. It’s ok to share your changing ideas or views but you do not have to explain yourself to anyone.
It’s ok to cancel a commitment
A simple "I need to cancel our plans" is better than making excuses. The earlier you communicate, the better. You can offer to reschedule if you genuinely want to.
It’s ok to want to be alone
Honour your need for alone time without guilt. Set clear boundaries, like "I need some time to recharge," and be specific about when you'll be available again. Solitude can be deeply restorative.
It’s ok to throw things out
If items don't serve a purpose or bring you joy, it's healthy to let them go. Consider donating usable items. Don't keep things out of pure obligation or "just in case."
It’s ok to speak your truth
I love the idea that you should have no one in your life that cannot handle your truth. Use "I" statements like "I feel" or "I believe." Your perspective and experiences are always valid!
It’s ok to take a day off
Rest is productive. Listen to your body and mind when you need a break. Plan ahead when possible - learn your cycles and know how often you need to stop and rest. Give yourself some scheduled time - weekly, monthly or quarterly. Also recognise that sometimes you need unexpected downtime!
It’s ok to do nothing
Not every moment needs to be productive! We live in a stupid world that wants us to believe that we constantly need to be busy. Letting your mind wander and body rest can spark creativity and prevent burnout. "Nothing" is actually something way more important than it sounds!
It’s ok to say no
You don't need elaborate excuses. A simple “That’s not an option for me right now" is enough. Protecting your time and energy helps you show up better for who and what truly matters.
Make a list of what's important to you. What you will and won’t tolerate or participate in over the next 12 months.