The Importance of Water

We all know how important water is to us as humans. Our bodies are made up of around 70% water depending on our age, weight and gender. Water regulates body temperature and supports digestion, elimination and the creation of new cells. Water lubricates our joints and protects our brains, spinal column and organs from trauma. 

We are full of fluids, blood, sweat, saliva, tears, urine and gastric juices to name some. My mum used to say that she could “feel things in her water”. This meant that something was up or off. I learnt later in life that she was talking about her intuition. She was reading the vibration of something in her body.

I have just finished reading Masaru Emoto's book "Hidden Messages in Water". Using high-speed photography, Dr. Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them.  His experiments involve exposing glasses of water to various words, pictures or music, then freezing the water and examining the frozen crystals under a microscope. Positive words and emotions, classical music and positive prayer directed at the water created beautiful crystals, while negative words and emotions and heavy metal music produced ugly crystals!

Based on that, our bodies are definitely reacting to our environments, our words and our thoughts!

This is one reason why we can meet someone and feel a resonance with them. Like we already know them or have known them forever. We resonate with them straight away. We have an unspoken understanding of one another. We may have similar pasts, similar wounds, similar joys or passions. 

Our vibe is like a human wifi signal that we are constantly sending out. This vibe influences those around us with our high vibrating or grounding frequencies or bogs them down with our density!

Everything around us is giving off vibrations. Everything around us is energy, and energy emanates a wide spectrum of frequencies. Our mental states carry different frequencies, our emotions carry different frequencies and memories carry different frequencies. An individual's overarching essence and life story carry a frequency that is vibrating and unique to them.

Listening to ‘our water’ is a wonderful way of being. Of pausing to listen to the messages that our body is picking up. It takes awareness and assertiveness to decide who and what we are willing to surround ourselves with.

How often have you felt something and then over-ridden it because you didn’t want to make a scene or cause grief or stick your neck out?

How often do you not notice the messages that your water is sending you because you are dashing around, headless and not listening to the vibrations that your body is collecting?

Pause and feel - check in with your water!


Incidental and Intentional Relationships


Our Collective Awesome