Life is Hard- You are lucky!

Life is hard!
Sometimes you’ll be happy, 😃 sometimes you’ll be sad, 😢
sometimes wobbly and sometimes mad!😡

The secret to life is following your gut, 😋
To knowing yourself,
What to keep, what to cut…. 🎬

Be open and curious
and constantly learning. 📖
The perfect photo, the perfect life,
we need to give up the yearning. 🥸

To be gentle and kind
To ourselves and to others, ☺️
To honour our lives and become our own lovers. 😍

To fall in love with yourself is the ultimate goal, 🥰
To honour and cherish and fill your own bowl.🥣

Growth is the game our souls want to play, ♥️
Follow your instincts, listen to your heart,
find peace, be kind, laugh and be smart. 🧑‍🎓

You are not here to be perfect, or popular or thin, 🤩
Instead of living for the outside, be still and go within. 💥
Inside is true wisdom, 💫
Slow down and get connected
Life is much better when conditions are rejected. 🙅‍♀️

Most of us think we are “too much” or “not enough” 😞
Always minimising and pretending,
It’s exhausting and rough!😏

Be gentle with others,
Everyone is doing their best 🙌
We all say and do silly things when we are tired and stressed. 😩

Being responsible for our needs and healing ourselves, ❤️‍🩹
Dealing with our shit rather than storing it on shelves. 📦

Acceptance, understanding and love is the key 🔑
Focus less on what we have and more on how we be! 🧘

Find stuff to look forward too,
To laugh and be light,🤣
You can choose to be happy or demand to be right! 👍

Laughing and smiling being ‘glad’ about today,😁
It’s the moments we miss when people go away. 😢

You came here alone and will leave here the same. 🥹
Leaving legacy and memories and no one to blame! 😌

Life’s not meant to be hard 👷
It’s not meant to be easy,
It’s loaded with lessons
Stay light and be breezy 💡

Do what you can,
Chase enjoyment and pleasure, 😊
Be loving and real with the people you treasure. 🌟

Life can be tough
Some seas are rougher 🌊
Have faith in yourself
Because you are tougher! 🥊

You’ve got this! It’s all good!
Sit down and breathe 😮‍💨
Make the most of your days before you have to leave.⚰️

Life is a blessing
Some bits get mucky 🧻
Look up and out
And consider yourself lucky!🍀

Copyright @ Lisa ONeill 2024

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