Keeping Your Balls in the Air!
Think of each of the roles in your life as a ball.
Some are heavy, some are bouncy, some are soft. Some are more important than others. Some are precious. Some balls are crystal — like the teenage daughter ball. Drop that one and there will be a mess! Tears, drama, chaos and likely a nasty memory that will be thrown in your face when she is 30!
Each kid, each project, each relationship is a ball. The key is awareness and selection — awareness of the current state and needs of each ball, and selection of which balls you are going to have up in the air at any one time.
My roles include mother, wife, sister, friend, daughter, aunty, niece, employer, business owner, mentor, event coordinator, content creator, writer, speaker, pet owner, property owner - juggling all these roles is a lot!
The secret is to only juggle what you need to on each given day. Put the other balls down. Most days, I go to the highest bidder — the ball that bounces the highest usually gets the most attention! The highest bidder could be the most important job, a human that needs me or something urgent.
Looking after ME is one of my most important jobs. Having a 'me' ball will stop you from becoming bitter and depleted. The 'me' ball is all about the things that make you happy, all the things that help you to feel great, to be the best version of you. If I am no good, all of my roles suffer.
Being tired, grumpy and unhappy will not give you a great life. You will, quite honestly, just be a pain in the arse. Your children will not want to hang out with you, your partner will not want to come home and your friends will be in the past tense.
You are responsible for the quality of your life. You. No one else. Yes, you might have had bad experiences, you might have had bad luck, but you are the only person who has any hope of getting it sorted.
Making a list of your roles, knowing which ones are the most important on any given day helps you to be present. Present to what's at hand rather than thinly spread like Marmite across everything! I use my Planner for this and get present to what's required each week in my Monday Morning Meeting.
Do you have roles that no longer make sense?
Are you filing roles that no longer give you joy?