Being Everything to Everybody
I held my first Energy Festival on Sunday.
I love creating experiences for people and it made me so happy to be able to create a day teaching people about all areas of energy. We spend most of the day on getting and guarding energy.
Women who aren’t exhausted are very rare beasts!! Being trained to be in service from birth means that 30-50 years in, we are completely wrecked!
Being everything to everyone, unable to ask for help, trying to make everything look perfect, never feeling good enough and often struggling to find people who understand us all adds to the pile.
We believe that we have to be perfect, that we should be able to cope and do everything ourselves, that we are the only ones not feeling good enough and that everyone else has their shit together.
The games we are playing is bullshit. And we have been trained to play by our Mothers who were in turn trained by theirs! This is no one’s fault. But getting off the treadmill is our responsibility.
We need to take ownership of how we feel, take action to get, do and have the things we need and responsibility for the lives we live.
Our lives are our masterpieces.
You were not born to be miserable, to be practical or to be limited.
There is a massive difference between living and existing. Living involves being intentional. Checking in with your wants and needs - daily!
Existing is when we spend all day pleasing others, disappointing ourselves and going through the daily motions of other people's priorities.
Our energy is everything. Taking responsibility for it will change your life. Sleep won’t help if your soul is tired.
Get rid of some of the sandbags that are weighing down your balloon. Make some decisions for you.
Stand up for yourself.
Look after yourself.
Be yourself.