Being Clever and Brave

I had the most amazing Mother's Day - I got to help my eldest daughter with her first-ever art exhibition. At the ripe old age of 23. So clever and so brave. 

We had lots of people through - friends, family and people off the street. The exhibition was an amazing collection of street art, paintings and poetry. It was extraordinary. I heard one guy say out loud ‘I could have done that’ while looking at one of the canvases. It took me all my time not to say something to him.

The reality is maybe he could have. The truth is that he didn’t.

I am blown away by my daughter Ruby’s artistic talent. The way she sees and describes the world is very special. But what impresses me more is her action and confidence. Lots of people could have an exhibition - thousands don’t.

There are people in the world who can 
and there are people in the world who do! 

I am a huge fan of action. In my experience, action is an incredibly undervalued and under-utilised strategy in making progress. People are always looking for the 'thing', the silver bullet that will change the course of their worlds. Regardless of the question, I always feel that action is the answer.

Action is about getting stuff done, making shit happen. There's always something that you could be doing to make your life better. I think about that every day. What is one thing I can do today that's going to improve my life, relationships, business, or bank balance? 

Talking, wishing, and wanting will not get you the life you want. The world responds to action. I don’t think talent is enough. Success takes tenacity and bravery. You have to be prepared to fail, to be vulnerable and to put a little piece of yourself out into the world. Ruby put a lot of herself out into the world this weekend - and it worked! 

What would you do if you knew you could not fail is one of my favourite questions. If you had the support, confidence and energy to make something happen, what would you do? What are you waiting for? 

This is part of one of Ruby’s poems and I think it's perfect!

“You have arrived in this moment because the world wants the best for you. 
It moves with you and it holds you”. 
Ruby O’Neill


Our Relationship With Our Body


Mother's Day