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I absolutely LOVE to write. So much so that twice a week I share everything that I am thinking about! If you’d like practical ideas, tips and thoughts straight to your inbox, I’d love you to join me….
My New Book
I have spent the past 6 weeks locked away writing a new book!
It's a book about Energy. It is 25 years of learning. It’s about awareness, understanding and action.
What You Are Looking Forward to This Year
One of my favourite things to do in the new year is to write down all the things that I am looking forward to. My Purpose Planner has a “year at a glance” section where you can see all 12 months over two pages.
The Power to Do What We Want
Last year, I sold out of my book "Everything You Want". It is now back in stock and I spent the holidays reading it!
Reading your own book is a weird experience. It feels weirdly familiar but distant at the same time. It takes me back to my thinking at the time of writing.
Everything You Want was written to help people to get what they want. The two biggest blocks for getting what you want are believing that you can have what you want and then knowing what to do to get it!
We all have the power to do what we want. The problem is that we forget.
Burnout, Crashing, and the Balance of Stimulation
A friend messaged me today.
She was asking me about burnout and crashing and the balance of being under and overstimulated.
Here is my reply:
I have so much experience of that. My whole life! I have pushed myself to my edges, I have maxed myself out. Awareness is the answer - learning to get to know yourself. To know your edges. Notice when you get close to them. When you feel yourself getting stretched, you notice before you feel fried. It’s easy to get into a cycle of exhaustion, illness, and critical judgment. Self-judgement is the worst. It’s harsh and mean.
What You Want in 2024
What do you want in 2024?
What do you want to have, do, and be?
People often cannot answer this seemingly simple question. They cannot answer because they feel stuck. You are not stuck, you are not lazy. After years of survival mode, you are exhausted.
My advice to people who are exhausted is always the same. Do More. More they exclaim! I’m wrecked - how can I do more?
You need to do more of what lights you up.
More of what fills your soul with joy!
Boxing Day
It is possible that Boxing Day is my favourite day of the year. Not just this year but every year!
I deliberately do nothing on Boxing Day. I have never been to a Boxing Day Sale. The thought of queues with people fighting over sale goods after the busyness of December leaves me cold.
I make Boxing Day all about me!
December seems to be all about everyone else. It’s about attending everyone's end-of-year celebrations, about buying gifts for everyone who has contributed to our lives - the teachers, the support people, clients, & friends. It’s about sorting food for everyone who comes. Sorting presents under the tree, sorting the decorations on the tree! So much doing!
How Useful Christmas Is
It is an interesting time of year and I have noticed people being grumpy and fatigued. I started thinking about why we all bother
31.6% of the world identify as Christian and while I realise that nowhere near 100% of the world celebrates Christmas, there is a huge percentage of us who are ‘doing Christmas’ without buying into the ‘reason for the season’!
Self Celebration
This is a wonderful time of the year to celebrate yourself! Self Celebration is about celebrating, acknowledging, and accepting yourself right now.
Honour, invest, and celebrate are three of my favourite actions that I do to support myself.
I honour myself by resting, giving myself the nutrients, the nourishment, and care that I need to be at my best. Food, sleep, rest, and space.
I invest in myself by providing the people and things that I need to feel amazing - think massage, healing, books, teachers, and supplements.
Christmas Magic
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… is it though?
I don’t know about you but this Christmas feels heavy. It feels hard. It could be that we are all fatigued by years of fuckery, it could be that financially things feel tougher. There seems to be a layer of lead hanging in the doorway replacing the fun and flirty mistletoe this year.
I am a crazy positive person who prides themselves on having an over flowing cup - so what worries me most is if I am feeling heavy, what are other people going through?
Diabetes Awareness
Twelve years ago, I took my 8-year-old daughter to the doctor concerned that she had lost weight, was incredibly grumpy and was eating and drinking a lot more than ever before. My doctor said she was probably just having a growth spurt and not to worry. As we walked out, he said, 'We could test her blood sugar levels if you want'? Her blood sugars were 29.8 (A ‘normal’ person's blood sugars sit between 4 - 6). The nurse offered me a cup of tea and a hug - I still had no idea what this number meant and then the doctor suggested we call an ambulance!