Life Is a Game - It’s Worth Learning How To Play It!

Life is a game - it's worth learning how to play it!

1. Get to know yourself. 

Know what you are like and what you do like. Learning about yourself is your job. Listen to what the world says about you and decide what you want to offer the world.

2. Get your needs met.

While we are very similar - each of us has particular needs. We all have preferences. Things we like and don’t like, need and don’t need. It is your job to get your needs met, to complete yourself. It's tempting to lean on others but being codependent on a partner, spouse, sibling or friend is not the best way to live your life!

3. Collect experiences.

We learn when we do things. Learning new things is a wonderful way to stay curious and humble. Only doing things that we are good at is very limiting. I am a big fan of Nelson Mandela's theory of win or learn - going into new things thinking that you will either win or learn is an excellent learners mindset.

4. Be good, do good.

Be nice. Be kind. Be loving. If you have the opportunity to make someone's day I think it's worth making that happen. I love the idea of leaving people better than you found them. We all have so many opportunities each day to be good and be good. Look for them.

5. Get out of your own way.

Most of us want the thing that we are avoiding. We want money in the bank but never save. We want a relationship but won’t put ourselves out there to meet people. We want a certain career but avoid the opportunities that could get us there. Our heads are often the thing that gets in the way! Regularly checking in with how you may be blocking yourself is a great idea.

6. Make your health your wealth.

Look after your body and your body will look after you! Being healthy can feel like a lot of work but feeling unwell or unfit is less than ideal! Doing something proactive for your health each day - making a good health decision is a great way to improve your overall health.

7. Honour others.

Learn how to honour those you love. Learning about and treating your loved ones with generosity and respect is the way to honour people who are important to you.

Doing small acts of kindness, knowing the things that they like and do not like, understanding their love languages and paying attention to dates and things that are important to them is a wonderful way to honour people.

8. Follow your heart. 

This is your life. Not your parents, not your partners… it's yours. I think it's important to ‘do you’. To follow your own string. Be careful of falling into the trap of being what everyone else wants you to be.


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